Our Accomplishments

"Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds." - Orison Swett Marden

Welcome to our Accomplishments page, where we proudly showcase the impactful initiatives and milestones we've achieved through dedicated efforts and meaningful collaborations. Our commitment to making a positive difference in communities worldwide is reflected in these key projects:

Supporting the 'Make Me Genius' Program

In collaboration with Little Helpers on the Run, we have significantly contributed to the 'Make Me Genius' program. This initiative aims to inspire and empower young minds, providing them with the tools and opportunities to excel in their educational journeys. Together, we are fostering a generation of future leaders and innovators.

Supporting Schools in Low Socioeconomic Countries

We are proud to have fully supported four schools in low socioeconomic countries. By providing essential resources, infrastructure, and educational materials, we are helping to create a nurturing learning environment for children who need it the most. Our efforts are ensuring that these students have access to quality education and a brighter future.

Educational Health Awareness Sessions

Our dedication to improving health outcomes is evident in our educational health awareness sessions conducted in low socioeconomic countries. These sessions aim to educate and empower communities with vital health information, promoting better health practices and awareness. Through these initiatives, we are making a tangible impact on the well-being of individuals and families in underserved areas.

Duke of Ed Volunteering Hours

We are honoured to have contributed volunteering hours to the Duke of Ed Award program. By volunteering our time and expertise, we are supporting youth development and fostering leadership skills among young individuals. Our involvement in this program reflects our commitment to empowering the next generation and nurturing their potential.


In line with our mission, we aim to expand the efforts of already existing organizations and spread the message that they are trying to deliver. These collaborations do not indicate any form of formal partnerships but serve to reflect our collective efforts towards creating positive change.

Continuous Updates

We continuously update this page with our latest accomplishments and initiatives. Don't forget to check back regularly to stay updated on our progress and ongoing efforts.

Explore our accomplishments and join us in celebrating the positive changes we are making in the world. Together, we can continue to create a brighter and healthier future for all.