Our Journey

 SAZ is named after Syeda Aley Zehra, a young mathematician who was taken away by cancer in her late thirties. At the age of 19, Professor Zehra finished her Bachelors and Master earning gold medals in both degrees. She was a gold medallist throughout her school career and achieved a huge number of awards in sports, debating and art. She was an inspirational writer and editor for many local newspapers and journals. Her vision of changing the world through education led her to become a teacher. She started her job as an inspiring and passionate teacher at the age of just 19 and became a professor in mathematics. She did extraordinary work for the community and served people in need around her. At such a young age, Professor Zehra managed to inspire so many around her.

To keep alive her legacy and her vision and mission, we have established SAZ.  

grayscale photography of teacher standing near chalkboard and children sitting on chairs
grayscale photography of teacher standing near chalkboard and children sitting on chairs